“Last week’s selling has been reported by experts in the industry to have been an absolute manipulative move. Andrew Maguire, now known as the London whistleblower because of his email to the CFTC about a coming manipulative move last year, had this to say in aKingWorldNews.com interview: “. . . it couldn’t have been more blatant (intervention in the gold market) could it? Talk about not worrying about hiding your footprints. This was obviously sanctioned somewhere at a higher level because the amounts of contracts, paper contracts that hit the market, all at once, within seconds of each other, this was not normal trading.”
Maguire also said: “We were seeing massive order flows. We were seeing every single bid being hit. The offers were just massive. I mean we were seeing 10’s and 20 thousand contracts at a time being unloaded by single individuals.””
Read more here: http://www.resourceinvestor.com/2012/03/07/buy-the-dips-its-a-long-term-bull-market?t=precious-metals