About American Antique Coins

American antique coins have been made as early as the 1600s, and they have been made from denominations as small as a half-cent and as large as $100 coins. Discover why all old American coins are not necessarily valuable. One of the misnomers about old coins is that they’re always more valuable, which is not necessarily true. It depends on how many were made, and supply and demand factors.

About American Antique Coins — powered by ehow

How to Clean a Gold Coin

The process of cleaning a gold coin will typically reduce the value of the coin substantially, so it’s important to visit a professional before deciding to clean a coin. Find out why coins should never be cleaned at home with help from a second-generation numismatist in this free video on cleaning gold coins.

How to Clean a Gold Coin — powered by ehow

We are moving!!

Commercial Rare Coins & Precious Metals is in the process of moving! We will still be in the same easily accessible location, but will be upgrading to a new show room on the East side of the building! Check back soon for further details!

Here’s Why Goldman Sachs is Staying Long Gold

“On Monday, banking giant Goldman Sachs announced it is staying long gold. Due to low real interest rates, slower US economic growth, and rising debt, the bank has also raised its gold forecast for 2012.”

Read the full story here… http://wallstcheatsheet.com/trading/heres-why-goldman-sachs-is-staying-long-gold.html/